Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Phys. Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Mai
  Bahnhofstr. 71e
  27612 Loxstedt
Telefon:    +49 - 178 - 3077 320
Telefax:    +49 - 4744 - 821 0828
  nach untenDiesen Balken nach oben   Veröffentlichungen im Jahre 2012  

139.   Dangendorf, S., Hein, H., Jensen, J., Mai, S., Mudersbach, C., Wahl, T.
Mean Sea Level variability and influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on long-term trends in the German Bight.
Water, special issue: flood risk management Vol. 4, ISSN 2073-4441, 2012.
141.   Hein, H., Mai, S., Mayer, B., Pohlmann, T., Barjenbruch, U.
A multi-scale and model approach to estimate future tidal high water statistics in the southern German Bight.
Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-8285-1, EGU General Assembly. 2012.
142.   Rütten, S., Mai, S., Wilhelmi, J., Zenz, T., Hein, H., Barjenbruch, U.
Results of operational monitoring of waves with radar gauges.
Proc. of Hydro12 “Taking care of the sea“, Rotterdam, Niederlande 2012.
143.   Jenning, S., Hein, H., Mai, S., Schüttrumpf, H.
Bruchpunkte und Langzeittrends von Wasserstandsmessungen im Tidebereich der Deutschen Bucht.
Tagungsband des JuWi-Treffens, München 2012.
144.   Hein, H., Barjenbruch, U., Blasi, C., Mai, S.
Computer-aided quality assurance of high-resolution digitized historic tide-gauge records.
Proc. of Hydro12 “Taking care of the sea“, Rotterdam, Niederlande 2012.
 nach untenDiesen Balken nach obenSeitenanfang    
145.   Daemrich, K.-F., Mai, S., Kerpen, N.
On the reasons of scatter in data for design formula evolution.
6th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering (CGJoint 2012), Taiwan 2012.
146.   Jenning, S., Hein, H., Mai, S., Schüttrumpf, H.
Breaks and long-term trends of tidal characteristics in the southern German Bight.
Proc. of the 33rd Int. Conf. on Coastal Engineering (ICCE), Santander, Spain, 2012.
147.   Moser, H., Cullman, J., Kofalk, S., Mai, S., Nilson, E., Rösner, S., Becker, P., Gratzki, A., Schreiber, K.-J.
An integrated climate service for the transboundary river basin and coastal management of Germany.
Climate ExChange, Hrsg. World Meteorological Organization, 2. Aufl., Tudor Rose, ISBN 978-0-9568561-4-2, S. 88-93, 2012.
148.   Hein, H., Mai, S., Barjenbruch, U.
Uncertainties of Drying Periods of Coarse Coastal Climate Impact Models.
Proc. of the 2nd IAHR Europe Conference, München, 2012.

 1994    ...    2010   2011   [ 2012 ]   2013   2014    ...    2019 
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